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Sunday Mornings

JOIN US on Sunday Mornings

9:00am for Sunday School

   10:00am for Coffee Fellowship

10:30am for Worship Service



We want to make your first visit to Langley Christian Church a comfortable and welcoming experience. Below are answers to some of the questions you may have.

  • Where should I park?

    Parking is available in the front or back of the church.  The sidewalk will lead you to the Main Entrance of the church under the carport.

  • What should I wear?

    Our dress is casual - please feel free to wear whatever is comfortable for you. You are invited to come as you are. 

  • What to expect when I arrive?

    As you enter the Sanctuary, please take a seat wherever you feel comfortable. We invite you to visit the Welcome Center in the back of the Sanctuary for Coffee or water and also to get more information about LCC. Upcoming events will be highlighted on the media screens in the sanctuary prior to worship.

  • What happens during Worship Service?


    Our Praise Team leads us in Praise & Worship through music. We appreciate different styles of music from old Hymns to Contemporary Christian. Lyrics are projected on the media screens.


    On Sunday mornings, our desire is to simply worship God. An offering will be taken, but as a guest - we do not ask you to participate in giving. The offering is for our members & attendees who have committed to join us in ministry.


    We celebrate Communion weekly in Worship. It is open to all who confess their faith in Jesus Christ and have accepted Him as their Lord & Savior.

  • Where do our children go?

    If you have an infant with you in the service that starts to get a little unsettled or if you want to nurse your child in privacy, you are welcome to take them to the nursery which is down the hall by the Welcome Center. We really don’t mind the noise of children here. Actually, we are glad for it! If you have children, toddler-elementary school age, please have them join you during Praise & Worship. We believe this is an excellent learning opportunity. After Communion, they are welcome to go to Children's Church to enjoy activities and a lesson presented at their age level. Children 6th Grade and older will remain in the Sanctuary with their parents to hear a message from the Word of God.

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