A ministry dedicated to building relationships among the men of Langley by bringing them together in various activities to share God’s word and develop mutual trust and friendships. The objective of Men’s Ministries is to disciple and equip the men of Langley in their roles as men of God.
Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 / Proverbs 27:17
Our purpose is to create lasting relationships with Christ through the study of the Word, prayer, encouragement and mentorship. Much can be done when ladies work together for the Lord. Hebrews 10:24-25
Each Tuesday from 10:00 AM-2:00 PM, our Ladies crafting group meets at the church. They enjoy working on a wide variety of crafts. They make things for family as well as for charities. Each Tuesday the fellowship hall fills with laughter as the crafting group gets to know and encourage each other. If you're a crafter and enjoy a good time you're welcome to join us!
We provide Childrens Church for toddlers through 5th grade during our Sunday School hour. All of our teachers have been background checked and completed Child Abuse Safety Training. The safety of the children placed in our care is a top priority!
Great opportunities to share Jesus with our kids & teens. Experience is preferred or get started as an assistant in a training program. Must be able to pass a background check.
Praise Team: We need singers & musicians who are responsible to lead the congregation in Worship & Praise, by example, as they use the artistic gifts that God has given them. Songs are chosen to prepare hearts for the message that is being presented that week. The team members are on a rotation to choose and transfer the songs into the music application. Computer training will be provided. The team practices once during the week and on Sunday mornings prior to Sunday School.
Greeters Team: This team welcomes people and covers the Welcome Center in order to provide visitors with information about the church and encourage them to complete Connect Cards.
SERVING TEAM: This team is on a rotation to serve communion. There is also opportunity to be on a rotation to give prayer for offering, meditation thought for communion & lead in congregational prayer time.
Communion Preparation Team: This team prepares the elements for communion and clean up after services.
Projector & Sound Team: The projector & sound team work together with the Praise Team in preparing the slides used during Praise & Worship time. They also run the projector, sound & camera during the Worship Service. This team is responsible for slides, sound & camera for in person worship & Live Stream. Training will be provided.
Counting Team: We need people who are willing to stay after Worship Service on a rotating schedule to count money.
Grounds Team: Come join our team as we strive in keeping the grounds of Langley Christian Church an attractive place for worship and community, one task at a time!
Building Maintenance: This team provides upkeep and repairs of our facility.
Housekeeping: You can sign up for a specific task such as general emptying trash cans, dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, etc. or you can sign up to be responsible for an entire room/area.
Lock-Up / Security Team: This team consists of a few dependable people to be responsible to secure the building on Sunday mornings after worship service and on Wednesday nights after Bible Study. You would be part of a team on a rotation schedule. This would include securing main & back buildings by locking doors, checking thermostat and turning off lights.
If you are interested in working with community and worldwide missions – we have a place for YOU! Our purpose is to give help to people in need in our local community, and to support our missionaries abroad financially and in prayer.
Langley Christian Church
175 Fox Hill Road
Hampton, VA 23669