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Who We Are

We exist to be the Heart of the Community by Connecting people with God and one another, Equipping disciples to make disciples, and Serving one another, our community, and the world.


To be the heart of the Community


to Connect, Equip, and Serve

Core Values

The core values which drive our ministries are …

  • to glorify God and His Kingdom first.
  • to honor Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
  • the Bible is our final authority.
  • to approach all things through the Spirit in prayer.
  • to be good stewards by serving with love, integrity and excellence.
  • to do all things with thanksgiving and joy.

Goals and Metrics

To be Salt and Light (Matt. 5:13-16)

-baptisms, growth, community impact

Key Focus

Unity through the Word, Prayer, and Serving; Strengthening families and community

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